parshat Bereshit

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Yeshiva Website The Genesis of Love
A Shiur by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks for the weekly portion "Bereshit".
  • Paradise Lost
    Originally there was a choice of whether to live in paradise in the Garden of Eden, or to attempt to reach for hoped-for human greatness and accomplishment through knowledge, intellect, and the human spirit.
  • Journeys
    Adam & Chava begin their lives in the most pristine & perfect environment imaginable – so elevated were they in that Paradise that they actually glowed with the light from Above. But then, in a flash, it all came crashing down.
  • The Genesis of Justice
    There are words that change the world, none more so than two sentences that appear in the first chapter of the Torah
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    Fighting for Bread
    When Adam sinned the ground was cursed too. These changes in nature, due to man, are not just a punishment but also a change in focus.
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    In the Beginning
    In studying the ways of creation, we must remember that everything evolves from one ultimate source - the Torah. The Torah is the inner essence of all worldly matters.
  • הרב זקס (1).jpg
    The Genesis of Justice
    There are words that change the world, none more so than two sentences that appear in the first chapter of the Torah
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    Torah Vs Science
    What is the age of the earth? Did the snake in the Garden of Eden really have legs?
  • Insights
    For the Sake of the Beginning
    A Shiur By Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed for the weekly Torah reading of "Bereshit".
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר